The view from up there is great because you can see both West, the City and the Docklands all in one skyline. I was going to take three photos of the different parts of the skyline and then use my Photoshop wizardry to stitch them together into one beautiful panoramic triptych. After a few beers I forgot all about that idea. I did at least get the Docklands shot though...
As the next picture highlights, the drawback of holding an event in a dark carpark is that the whole place ends up being used as a toilet. There were portaloos there but the majority of people opted to find one of the many shadowy alcoves instead. By the end of the night there was a torrent of piss streaming down the ramps.
People were respectful of the installations at least.
Unfortunately, as is so often the case when I drink too much, the night ended on a rather sour note. I'm not referring to stuffing my face with junk food, although that is equally shameful (I'm so disappointed with myself *sob*, I was doing so well at eating healthy recently, and now *sob* it's all gone to shit. I might as well stuff my face for the rest of the week now).
No, the real silly moment came when myself and a friend of mine, Gavin, were leaving and, as is customary between real men, we had a little bit of a Greco Roman wrestling match. Alas, things got a bit heated and Gavin's glasses fell off, I seized the opportunity, picked them up and launched them right over a fence.
I have no idea why.
The thing is, these weren't those black rimmed glasses that hipsters wear to look nerdy, no, these were Gavin's real glasses, he needs them to fucking see.
After I did it we both looked at each other and realized how stupid it was. Well, I say we both looked at each other, not quite accurate, I was looking at Gav, he thought he was looking at me but was actually squinting at a lamp post.
We spent the next 40 minutes trying to find them. I climbed over a barbed wire fence and squeezed myself in a space no more than half a metre wide between the fence and a wall and then proceeded to rummage through rubbish and leaves. As you can probably imagine, we didn't find them, which was unfortunate because it meant I had to lead Gavin home like a Golden Retriever. Luckily he has a spare pair at home.
Strangely, I actually have a picture of the glasses in question. Strange, because it's not something I'd usually take a picture of. Perhaps I subconsciously plotted to do it all along?
Apologies to you once again Gavin. A good night though I think you'd have to agree.