30 Nov 2010


It's out of laziness, I suppose, that the world looks the same day after day. Today it seemed to want to change. And in that case anything, anything could happen.

Jean-Paul Sartre, Nausea


Having some work done in the loft at the moment and they've taken the roof off.

Oh and the gas metre has decided it doesn't want to work anymore. Its had enough.

Cold? No, I leave the house at 12am every night and get on the N44 night bus for a few hours or so, just long enough to get a bit of sleep and to soften the numbing in my hands.

Daytimes are better. Sometimes I visit Battersea dogs home. I have to pretend I want to rescue a dog and they let me in the cage for a while to stroke it and to see if we bond. I can't take the dogs home but it's nice to have a little cuddle for a bit. The older, more disheveled ones tend to be the warmest. But then they also seem to be sadder when I leave.

I'm not proud of myself, but needs must.

29 Nov 2010

Something Else

By Rick Moranis

24 Nov 2010


101 expressions to use before "that"...

  1. accepts that
  2. affirms that
  3. alleges that
  4. argues that
  5. asserts that
  6. asseverates that
  7. assumes that
  8. assures that
  9. attests that
  10. avers that
  11. avows that
  12. bears in mind that
  13. believes that
  14. claims that
  15. clarifies that
  16. comments that
  17. comprehends that
  18. conceives that
  19. concludes that
  20. confirms that
  21. conjectures that
  22. considers that
  23. contends that
  24. declares that
  25. deduces that
  26. deems that
  27. demonstrates that
  28. discerns that
  29. elucidates that
  30. emphasizes that
  31. espouses the view that
  32. evinces that
  33. explains that
  34. explicates that
  35. expounds that
  36. expresses that
  37. gathers that
  38. has no doubt that
  39. has the view that
  40. hints that
  41. holds that
  42. hypothesizes that
  43. illustrates that
  44. imagines that
  45. implies that
  46. indicates that
  47. infers that
  48. insinuates that
  49. insists that
  50. intimates that
  51. is aware that
  52. is certain that
  53. is convinced that
  54. is of the opinion that
  55. is resolved that
  56. is swayed that
  57. judges that
  58. maintains that
  59. marks that
  60. mentions that
  61. notes that
  62. observes that
  63. opines that
  64. perceives that
  65. points out that
  66. posits that
  67. postulates that
  68. presumes that
  69. proclaims that
  70. proffers that
  71. professes that
  72. pronounces that
  73. proposes that
  74. propounds that
  75. proves that
  76. reckons that
  77. realizes that
  78. reasons that
  79. recognizes that
  80. reiterates that
  81. relates that
  82. remarks that
  83. responds that
  84. says that
  85. speculates that
  86. spells out that
  87. states that
  88. stresses that
  89. submits that
  90. suggests that
  91. supposes tha
  92. surmises that
  93. takes it for granted that
  94. testifies that
  95. theorizes that
  96. thinks that
  97. understands that
  98. urges that
  99. utters that
  100. verifies that
  101. writes that

22 Nov 2010

Zipangu Film Festival

Spiral has been selected to be screened at Zipangu Festival this Wednesday 24th, 7.15pm at Cafe 1001 just off Brick Lane. Come!

19 Nov 2010

Last Stop

Living at the end of the Northern Line means that I have the pleasure of always, without fail, getting a seat. Not just any old seat, oh no, second carriage from the end, last seat on the left, next to the pane of glass. My seat.

Although comfortably seated, the downside of living at the end of the line is that my journey lasts longer than most.

But then there’s also the benefit that I can fall asleep on the way home without missing my stop. I may be vulnerable to being laughed at, robbed, sexually assaulted, having my shoelaces tied together etc., but at least I can feel safe in the knowledge that if I fall asleep I won't miss my stop.

That’s because there’s always a fellow passenger who is more than eager to nudge a stranger awake. Just a little tap of the knee is all it takes to save an individual the hassle of finding their way home from the opposite side of London in the middle of the night. A gentle little tap o’ the knee, that works well. A short, sharp prod into the rib cage isn’t so good.

I’ve seen these people in action. Over the years, during the countless hours of pulling into Morden Station that I’ve endured, I’ve had a chance to study these curious individuals and put together somewhat of a ‘case study’. I shan’t bore you with that now but I will take this opportunity to note some general observations.

They begin ‘Operation Wake Up’ innocently enough, clocking their target, their personal little Sleeping Beauty, from across the carriage. Then they deftly maneuver themselves into the optimum position, choosing the exit that will take them directly past their target. With a quick little tap and a sympathetic smile, they soothingly pronounce the words ‘last stop’.

Unfortunately, the "thank you" that they so desperately yearn for, the "Oh, wayfaring stranger, how kind of you to wake me up, how unlike most other inhabitants of this sprawling metropolis you are. Come, let us dine together and it will be the beginning of a fruitful and decade-spanning friendship between kindred spirits!", that reaction seldom comes.

Instead the reaction is quite the opposite, the awoken traveler is more likely to "tut" with annoyance than to show any sort of gratitude. For the first few seconds of waking up on the tube are disorientating to say the least and there are questions that demand answering, like "where am I? And why the fuck did that pervert just touch my leg!"

18 Nov 2010

Wish List

So it's approaching that time of year again. Just to make people's lives a little easier I've taken my sisters advice and compiled a Wish List on Amazon.

Feel free to get me whatever's on the list. A few of you might want to club together and get me something better. To be honest, rather than you all getting me little things that aren't so good I'd prefer just one big thing. Even if it means I'll have less to open on Christmas day, that's cool...

If you decide to use a bit of initiative and get me something that's not on the list then that's great, I encourage that. But do keep hold of the receipt just in case.

16 Nov 2010


At any given moment, on any given carriage, there is a nutter on the Underground. It's said that in London you’re never more than five metres away from a rat. Well the same applies to nutters on the Underground.

Now, when that person is not immediately apparent and everyone seems relatively normal, I wonder whether on this particular carriage, at this particular moment, am I the nutter?

Do people look at me and question my sanity the same way I look at them and question theirs?

Perhaps they are wondering if being enclosed with me in a space fifty-metres below the ground requires an immediate rethink? Am I prone to spontaneously lashing out at innocent passengers? Or will I take a shit in an empty McDonalds bag before flinging it around the carriage? Maybe I’m one of those rare monsters that try to hold eye contact for longer than a split second before smiling in an all too innocent way.