101 expressions to use before "that"...
- accepts that
- affirms that
- alleges that
- argues that
- asserts that
- asseverates that
- assumes that
- assures that
- attests that
- avers that
- avows that
- bears in mind that
- believes that
- claims that
- clarifies that
- comments that
- comprehends that
- conceives that
- concludes that
- confirms that
- conjectures that
- considers that
- contends that
- declares that
- deduces that
- deems that
- demonstrates that
- discerns that
- elucidates that
- emphasizes that
- espouses the view that
- evinces that
- explains that
- explicates that
- expounds that
- expresses that
- gathers that
- has no doubt that
- has the view that
- hints that
- holds that
- hypothesizes that
- illustrates that
- imagines that
- implies that
- indicates that
- infers that
- insinuates that
- insists that
- intimates that
- is aware that
- is certain that
- is convinced that
- is of the opinion that
- is resolved that
- is swayed that
- judges that
- maintains that
- marks that
- mentions that
- notes that
- observes that
- opines that
- perceives that
- points out that
- posits that
- postulates that
- presumes that
- proclaims that
- proffers that
- professes that
- pronounces that
- proposes that
- propounds that
- proves that
- reckons that
- realizes that
- reasons that
- recognizes that
- reiterates that
- relates that
- remarks that
- responds that
- says that
- speculates that
- spells out that
- states that
- stresses that
- submits that
- suggests that
- supposes tha
- surmises that
- takes it for granted that
- testifies that
- theorizes that
- thinks that
- understands that
- urges that
- utters that
- verifies that
- writes that