You know when you put a film on in bed before you go to sleep but drift off before it finishes…
Every night of the last four I’ve been falling asleep to Wall-E. His robotic bleeps and almost human sighs have been like a lullaby that I can’t help but rest my eyes to. A few hours later when the film finishes the repetition of the DVD menu becomes so jarring that it drags me out from my dream before I whack the eject button on my laptop.
I remember once falling asleep in the afternoon to Bela Tarr’s brilliant Werckmeister Harmonies. When the film finished the music that is looped on the DVD menu seemed to infiltrate my dream. It's quite mesmerizing.
Here's a clip with that piece, worth watching for the long take if nothing else…
I’m watching Wall-E as research for my dissertation. His relationship with the super cool Eve is one that I can almost relate to from past experiences.
Is it wrong that I sort of fancy Eve a bit? Probably, but she is one sleek babe…